To get Vietnam visa on arrival at Vietnam airport, foreign people are required to have present such things as original passport, Vietnam visa approval letter among which, your photo should be well-prepared and shown to stamp a visa. For photos, you are advised to prepare 2 passport-sized photos. Your photos will be glued to the form of application for entry and exit Vietnam which is submitted to Vietnam visa issuing officer and to the frontier police post upon your arrival.
According to the experience of many previous foreign visitors getting Vietnam visa on arrival, in case, if foreign people forgot taking photos prior to the departure to Vietnam, you can take your photos at Vietnam airport with the fee of USD 2 per shot. Certainly, in this case, it will take a longer time to get visa stamped at Vietnam airport.
To save your time, and to get a visa to Vietnam quickly at Vietnam airport, foreign people are advised to well-prepare your photos before departure. For emergency situations, you can take photos at Vietnam airport.
For any further information about Vietnam visa requirement, please contact us email or make a call to the hotline number +84 943 25 25 52 (Jenifer Lee)
Viber, Zalo, iMessage, WhatsApp: (84) 943 25 25 52
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