Vietnam visa For Denmark

Vietnam visa For Denmark


We are from Denmark. Please advise how would be the convenient way to get visa for Vietnam from here and stay in Vietnam for 20 days?


Thanks to the good bilateral relationship between Vietnam and Denmark, citizens of Denmark to Vietnam can have Vietnam visa exemption for theVietnam visa for Denmarrk period length of no more than 15 days with tourist purpose. Thus, Denmark people planning to enter Vietnam in short stay just prepare their Denmark passport of at least 6 month valid from the date of entry to Vietnam and double check to make sure that there at least two page of passport are unused. On their arrival at airport in Vietnam, the staff in charge of Vietnam Immigration will put a seal of visa exemption for 15 days onto their passport.

In case Denmark citizens plan to stay in Vietnam for the period of more than 15 days, they are advised to apply for a Vietnam visa before coming to the country. In this case, Denmark citizens should not get visa exemption then extend visa as the extension fee of Vietnam visa in much more expensive than getting a new 1 month or even 3 month visa before you enter the country. Thus, in your case you should apply for 1 month single entry visa.

To apply for Vietnam visa, Denmark citizens can source at Embassy of Vietnam in Denmark, or much simpler: applying for Vietnam visa on arrival online. By requesting online for Vietnam visa on arrival, Demark citizen will get a Vietnam visa approval letter which allows them to get visa stamped on their arrival at Vietnam airport. The visa type and all information of the visa is exactly as their request. The online application submission can be started here.

For further information about Vietnam visa for Denmark, please contact or call (84) 943 25 25 52.

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